Join millions of learners from around the world already using Video Assisted eLearning Courses. Sign up to register for a free trial on all of our 100+ accredited courses listed that cater for all of your educational requirements, giving you the required qualifications to excel in your chosen occupation.
At Training for Security, we provide all the expertise and training that you require to gain your SIA licence. Once you have joined the Private Security Industry, we offer additional training to enable you to progress your career and to stay safe.
TFS have centres throughout the UK that service the needs of local employers, training providers and individuals. The centres play a key role in implementing training provider quality assurance, offering consumer advice and support in their local areas and providing quality assurance of regulatory requirements for apprenticeships and traineeships.
TFS strive to deliver the most appropriate training for everyone’s requirements and circumstances because we understand the realities of education. Even though we normally deliver a blended mix of online and face-to-face training in open courses, we also appreciate that in some circumstances there is a need for a more tailored service.
Training Rooms Kent are proud to offer newly refurbished Training and Meeting Rooms, available in Gravesend Kent, located conveniently near to Gravesend and Ebbsfleet International train stations, the Dartford River Crossing and the M25.
Specialising in the conversion of standard vehicles into high-tech Mobile Surveillance Vehicles, the MSV Group, launched in 2009, offer a range of vehicles that can be hired or purchased, Internationally. We are also registered with the Civil Aviation Authority and have authorisation to provide drone services in the UK and Internationally providing various services.
Our latest news from inside the security industry.
The security industry is ever changing. And we offer a whole range of courses to help navigate that.